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Hi. Thanks for visiting my site. Stay tuned to this space for exciting posts that will chronicle my adventures in National Novel Writing Month, or, NaNoWriMo. If you aren't sure what that is, essentially you write a novel in 30 days. The two books posted here on this site were written during NaNoWriMo (November of each year) which is why they are in many ways confusing, in a lot of ways flawed, and in all ways grammatically awful.

Starting on November 1 I will be doing my best to not only write my 1,667 words a day but I'll write more words here for you to follow me in my writing adventure.

Participating in NaNoWriMo any year is challenging, but this year is going to be even more fun. As I write this entry we are breaking up walls and tiles and tearing apart my bathroom. Which is both terrifying and thrilling all at once.

So stay tuned for more updates, starting in November!

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